Friday, February 23, 2018

Gunung Datuk - Gunung Rembau - Gunung Gagak

Gunung Datuk standing 700 meters located in Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan. Gunung Datuk is too common for regular hikers and most of them will climb as part of their leisure hike during the weekend. Taking photo on top of the huge rock at the summit represent the graduation.

What is uncommon is that Gunung Datuk also has two more Gunung (mountains) i.e Gunung Rembau (884 meters) and Gunung Gagak (807 meters) which are adjacent to one another.
Arm with google information and analysis, we start our journey on early Sunday morning to conquer the 3 mountains at one go with total Kilometer of 9.6km.

Location of the road entrance leading to the parking area : Gps Coordinate : 2.534991, 102.163471 (junction from the main road).

The suunto movescount can be found here : Datuk

How the trail looks like from 'bird eye' view

Distance from Start to Peak : 2km
Trail Condition : Dry
Trail Difficulty : Moderate to Hard – Steep inclination
Estimated time taken : 1 hour 40 minutes

Distance from Start to Gunung Datuk summit : 2km in 1 hour 33 minutes

Just below the peak on top of Gunung Datuk. The stairs leading to Gunung Datuk summit is located on the left. The start trail to Gunung Rembau and Gunung Gagak is on the right. 

Gunung Datuk summit (the stairs) is on the right 

The entrance to Gunung Rembau Gagak just behind the yellow shirt hijab girl.
You can't miss it.

Distance from Datuk Peak to Simpang Y : 1.2km
Trail Condition : Dry
Trail Difficulty : easy
Estimated Time taken : 45 minutes
Distance from start : 3.2km

This is simpang Y. The tree with the blue plastic knot is the divider between Gunung Rembau on the left and Gunung Gagak on the right.

Distance from Simpang Y to Gunung Rembau  : 400 meter
Trail Condition  : dry
Trail Difficulty : easy
Estimated time Taken ; 10 – 15 minutes

Distance from start : 3.62km

Distance from Simpang Y to Gunung Gagak : 1.3km
Trail Condition  : Dry
Trail Difficulty : dry
Estimated time Taken : nearly 1 hour
Distance from Start : 5.26km
Gunung Gagak conquered!

Completed in 3 hours and 20 minutes -  5.26km from start

Total Journey : 9.6km
 Time Taken : 5 hours 8 minutes
Trail Difficulty : Moderate, hard at certain section

Ended around 5 hours with 9.6km journey.

Using the same trail to go back. Clear trail and plenty of trail marker. Can’t get lost here.
Thank you for reading.


  1. Bole guide ke nt nak ke datuk-rembau-gagak ne. Datuk je pernah smpai.

    1. Kalau kena date gg tim, boleh je..
      Boleh gak tanya kat hikers² situ, ada yg biasa dah pegi

  2. Contact sy 0195126210
