Ah...the hills...whole bunch of them. We meet again this year. I kind of prepared for this race..not to be like Ahmad Lamchanak fast but..I've strengthen the thigh muscle and whatever is down there had been toned to sustain the pondering hills.
It's me in action..
with otai-otai running - KA, Diket, Dett, Syah and Nik
Not repeating the last year incident (passed out upon completion),
Fazli Nawi a.k.a Flash
this year I concentrated more on strategy - save the energon (energy in transformers term) by slowly climbing up the hills..step by step, got my salt ORS and pray!
Aini Kassim
Aini and marlin...
The last 5km was the toughest as I've used up all the energy...I think it began from the Balai Polis Daerah. It's an ascending road to finishing..yeay!!
Geng chiangmai marathon ni...
Ruby and Aini...power jugak!!
Syah...bertambah power gila!
Azhar Azizi..power!!
But hey, I managed to go through the whole 25km without injuring myself and most importantly without 'pengsan'.
Mohawk Khairul Anwar
Yim...sub 4 marathoner
Saiful Fauzi a.k.a Catman...power!!
Clocked 2 hours 30 minutes for this time around. yeahh..!!